Kursangebote / Kursdetails

Englisch für den Beruf - Erfolgsorientiert und intensiv - Powering your career

Take this course to familiarise yourself with Business English. Be confident that this thirteen-week series will come with a wide variety of activities allowing you to improve your spoken and written English. The course’s curriculum will focus on understanding, writing and commenting on business-related issues. Vocabulary and grammar building exercises will be covered as well. On a regular basis, participants will be asked to practise expressions and complete exercises and tests in business-related fields. This will help them to better phrase their letters, emails, and statements. Small talk and common workplace conversation will be part of our weekly activities. Using up-to-date material, looking into the business press, and contemporary student-oriented teaching will result in strengthening the learners’ Business English performances. Pupils, apprentices, students, young professionals and those who are facing new job-related challenges are invited to enrol in this class.

Status: Anmeldung möglich

Kursnr.: P58221

Beginn: Do., 08.02.2024, 19:00 - 21:00 Uhr

Dauer: 14

Kursort: vhs Seminarzentrum, Raum 304

Gebühr: 210,00 €

19:00 - 21:00 Uhr
Holzkampstr. 7, vhs Seminarzentrum, Raum 304
19:00 - 21:00 Uhr
Holzkampstr. 7, vhs Seminarzentrum, Raum 304

Seite 2 von 2

Jörg Stumpf

vhs Witten | Wetter | Herdecke

Holzkampstraße 7 | 58453 Witten
Tel: 02302 581 86 10
E-Mail: info@vhs-wwh.de


montags bis donnerstags: 08:30 bis 16:00 Uhr
freitags: 08:30 bis 15:00 Uhr

DAF-Büro (Zi. 403):
montags bis freitags: 9:00 bis 12:00 Uhr.
mittwochs geschlossen